Friday 16 September 2011

The Life Expectancy of a Mesothelioma PatientThe Life Expectancy of a Mesothelioma Patient

Mesothelioma Life Expectancy
The life expectancy of a pleural
mesothelioma patient depends upon a
number of factors. Each patient has a
unique case that affects their prognosis and
treatment will revolve around their specific
needs. A number of studies have revealed
that the median life expectancy for
mesothelioma cancer patients ranges
between four and 18 months.
Currently there is no cure for pleural
mesothelioma cancer, but advancements in
mesothelioma treatment are continuing to
improve the life expectancies of many
patients. A number of pleural mesothelioma
survivors are demonstrating that median life
expectancies are merely numbers that can
be beaten.
Factors Affecting Pleural Mesothelioma
Life Expectancy
There are several factors that can affect the
life expectancy of a pleural mesothelioma
patient, including:
Latency Period – Though many cancers
exhibit symptoms relatively quickly, the
signs of pleural mesothelioma cancer do not
surface until later stages of cancer
development and this may be 20 to 50 years
after initial exposure to asbestos. Because
of the latency of symptoms, the cancer is
typically diagnosed during the advanced
stages. Those with a history of asbestos
exposure should seek annual asbestos
screenings to check for signs of disease.
Stage at Diagnosis – Life expectancy is
greatly affected by the stage of the cancer at
diagnosis. A prognosis can be poor if the
cancer is detected in a late stage of
development and when treatment options
are fewer and less effective. If the cancer is
caught earlier, a patient’ s prognosis may
improve since more treatment options will
be available.
Age at Diagnosis – A person’ s age at
diagnosis can affect prognosis because
older patients often experience difficulty
when receiving an aggressive treatment
approach that tries to cure the cancer. The
average age of a mesothelioma patient is 60
and more than 75 percent of mesothelioma
cases are diagnosed in men age 55 or older.
Feasible Treatment Options – Depending on
the health of the patient and their stage at
diagnosis, a pleural mesothelioma patient
may be able to withstand aggressive
treatments that attempt to cure the disease
or they may only be able to handle palliative
treatment options (which aim to alleviate
symptoms and improve quality of life rather
than cure the cancer). In some cases, taking
a more aggressive treatment approach can
prolong life expectancy, but this varies from
patient to patient.
Smoking and General Health – Pleural
mesothelioma patients who refrained from
smoking and lived a healthy lifestyle prior to
their diagnosis tend to have a better
prognosis. Patients who smoked or had
poor health before diagnosis often exhibit
compromised lungs or immune systems,
and this can have a negative affect on life
Improving Pleural Mesothelioma Life
Though some life expectancy factors such as
age at diagnosis or latency period cannot
be altered or otherwise improved,
advancements in pleural mesothelioma
treatment are improving life expectancies
for many patients. Medical professionals
that research and treat pleural
mesothelioma are always seeking and
testing new methods to improve the
prognosis, which is primarily achieved
through clinical trials and mesothelioma
research. These trials test new medications
and treatment options and a number of
mesothelioma patients have benefited from
participating in such clinical studies.
Advancements in the early diagnosis of
pleural mesothelioma are also opening up
more treatment options to a greater
number of patients. Early detection allows
physicians to take a more aggressive
treatment track and this can greatly improve
life expectancy, but this option is not
available to all mesothelioma patients and
varies from case to case. Some of the more
aggressive treatment options include
surgery, chemotherapy and radiation.
Pleural Mesothelioma Survivors
Many patients look to mesothelioma
survivors to observe their approach to
beating the cancer. One common element
seems to unite the fighting factor among
mesothelioma survivors, and that is a strong
and nourished immune system. Most
mesothelioma survivors added alternative
and complimentary therapies to their
standard treatment and these therapies all
worked to improve the immune system and
the patient’s well being from a holistic
If you would like to learn more on how to
improve mesothelioma life expectancy,
please fill out the form on this page to
receive a comprehensive and complimentary
packet detailing the latest in treatment
options, clinical trials and the country’s top
doctors .
1. http: // /docroot /CRI /
CRI _2_ 4_1 X_ What_is_ malignant_ mesothelioma_ 29.asp ?
2. http: // health/
mesothelioma/ DS00779
3. http: // /cancertopics/ pdq/
treatment /malignantmesothelioma/ Patient/